The Glorious Weirdness of Art & Cosmic: LIVE / 2

Thu., May 26 2016
10:00 am

Fault lines for a third space of performance (2nd example)

10 am - 2 pm
Gaudenzdorfergürtel 43–45, 1120 Wien
Pay as you wish

Foto: Jack Hauser

directly related to INJECTION - About The Non Communicable - transitions and edges of the 3rd space, a symposium as a transdisciplinary laboratory and artistic work in AIL.

People incessantly create a shield that offers them shelter, drawing a firmament on its underside and writing their conventions and opinions on it; the poet, the artist though makes a slit into this shield, he even rips up the firmament in order to let a bit of free and windy chaos intrude, and in a sudden ray of light frames a vision which appears through the slit. (Deleuze/Guattari, From Chaos to the Brain)

The third space of performance is created not as an assertion, it arises as a fault line of the two layered continents VISUAL ART & THEATRE ART. Both continents have a varied experience with ephemeral materials and figurative or form union concretisations. Now the REAL moves these two continents toward each other. The resulting fault line reveals new landscapes.