Photo: Lisa Hinterreithner
Touch means to locate oneself physically and mentally in an assemblage and to relate to the human and the non-human. In touch there is the possibility to contact but also - and perhaps even more - to be contacted. (Who/what touches whom or what?).
Touch is not always visible and touch and being touched also - and perhaps even more - take place in secret.
In what ways can we touch and be touched in pandemic times, when planned, habitual and accidental interpersonal touch and encounters disappear? What kind of everyday practices has the pandemic produced in this regard? Have eye contact, forms of linguistic touch or self-touch gained relevance?
What conditions are fundamentally needed to remain open to touch ... ?
16. – 20.2.2021 // artistic research
20.2.2021 // 18.00 // OPEN LAB - ONLINE VERSION
With a lecture by Michael Hirsch About touching and meeting, participatory exercises and discussion with the audience.
Please register in advance at
The link to the Zoom event will be sent on February 20th.
with Jack Hauser, Claudia Heu, Lisa Hinterreithner, Michael Hirsch, Sabina Holzer, Kilian Jörg, Anita Kaya, Sarah Lanner, Alfred Lenz
Concept Denkkollektiv #5: Claudia Heu and Lisa Hinterreithner